Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Taliban Regime

The Taliban are
extremist people in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They provide from young Afghan men in the Soviet war that has been train in the Madrasas, in the Pakistan
They are lead by ancient  muslim war chief of the Soviet War that have for objective to create a perfect Muslim Countrie. Between 1994 and 1997, they had support from the Pakistan secret services so they are able to take control of Afghanistan’s Government. They are supported by the population after the war and all is under control. But when Oussama Ben Laden is located on the
Afghan Territory and he claim that he will strike the United States, everything
The regim under the Taliban’s control is very strict. Afghan community can no more go to cinema, listen Television or go to theater. No one had the right to have a camera and
all human representation was prohibitate. The women has no more right and has
to wear the Burqa, always be with a man when they go outside and the windows of
the houses has to be white for blocking the view of the girls in the house.

So, now you can see why the freedom figthers are in Afghanistan, to liberate these guys and girls
of the extremist Taliban Regim.

- Wikipedia, (online), March 22nd 2011, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban


FĂ©lix Gour

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